Sunday, June 13, 2010

Post 9: Social Groups and Social Stratification

The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo is a social group consisting of Argentinian women who's children disappeared during the 'Dirty War' from 1976-1983. The Dirty War was a war between the state of Argentina and left-winged militia who included students, journalists and revolutionaries. The association formed when mothers met each other while trying to search for their missing children. The Argentinian government admits that about 9,000 people are still missing, but the Mothers Association have calculated it to be over 30,000. Outrageously, many of the founders of the Mother's Association have also disappeared and DNA tests have confirmed their deaths. The mothers meet every thursday at the Plaza de Mayo, wearing white cloth on their heads with their children's names embroidered on them.
The Mother's have not given up on their children's memory. They have founded a university and cultural centre in honour of their children. They have also been able to raise money to provide other children education and are spokes women for human rights in Argentina.
I think what provides this group solidarity is the weekly gathering to remember their children, this makes them a primary group. Also, they have been able to rise from the tragedy and do good for others.
You can learn more about this association with the book "Revolutionizing Motherhood:The mothers of the Plaza de Mayo".

Picture here.


  1. I cant belive how all those children were taken and murdered. So Sad! I think the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo is a fantasic group. Loosing a child would be the hardest thing a person could ever go through. My boyfriend lost his brother 6 years ago. He was only 20 when he died and till this day, the pain never goes away. I think the worst part of this story is these women dont even know where their bodies are or excattlly what happend to them. They never got to really say good bye or have a burial. It breaks my heart.

  2. The same goal and hurt give people cohesion. The found a group for their loosing children. Government always do that, they hope people can relax, and do not disturb them. Social group can give people truth.How do you think about the social group's power?

  3. The Mothers' solidarity is unreal. To remain strong and cohesive and to continuously pursue their goal for over three decades is a remarkable feat. Do you think they'll still be campaiging decades from now?

  4. Loosing one's child is a terrible thing for a mother. I know the group 'MOTHER OF THE PLAZA DE MAYO'. will never forget their children and they will continue loving and helping other children.

  5. i believe they will continue for many years to come. Although the original mothers may not be alive their message will live on in their family and friends. The group stands for so much more than just their lost children. It also stands up for all aspects of humans rights, and standing up against a horrible government. Therefore, I think their movement will continue.
