Monday, June 21, 2010

Post 14: Globalized Communities

The China Youth Development Fund is a non-profit social organization that was funded in 1989. They are partners with the International Youth Foundation, Motorola, Coca-Cola and the New Path Foundation. Motorola and Coca-Cola both fund Project Hope, which is a project started by the CYDF. The projects goal is to increase Chinese youth's access to eduction. Chinese youth in rural areas of China are unable to get an education because of their financial situation. According to the organization's brochure, they have provided 2.47 million children access to education. They have also built schools, trained teachers and donated school supplies and books to schools and libraries.
This organization seeks support for Project Hope. The money is used for children's education (one year, or many), training teachers, buying supplies and building schools. The organization is devoted to educational development. Many organizations may provide a school and books but no teachers or leaders to keep development going; but the CYDF focuses on sustainable development. They focus solely of Chinese youth. Companies like Coca-Cola and Motorola, who have factories in China, have donated millions of dollars to the CYDF. I wonder if these donations are truly altruistic behaviour. Could it be that these companies are donating money so that in the future they can have workers with some education like reading and writing?

Link to the CYDF website.
Pictures here.


  1. This is a good organization providing standard education for the Chinese Youth.
    Yes, education tells the future of the youth.

  2. Education is extremely important, especially in a world that is so fast paced. Its important for everyone to keep up with eachother. As for you mentioning altruistic behaviours, I wonder, perhaps its not so altruistic, and that maybe they donate money so that the company itself is not criticized?

  3. Yes. I;m sure the companies have factories there because the labour is so cheap, but do not want to be critisized so they donate to local charities. Nothing new when it comes to mass prodution and underpayed labor. Atleast they are choosing a good charity to donate to

  4. Wow, I was surprised to find out that Coca-Cola was involved in non-profit social development projects. Guess the multinational corporations are not as evil as we make them out to be.

  5. The companies may have other intentions but children are still getting a chance to get an education and maybe that will help them to further their education somehow in the future.

  6. I just hope the organization is non-profit, because some of these project is lie to people. How do you think the affect of CYDF in the world?

  7. It is nice to think that Coca-Cola and Motorola are donating this money for altruistic reason, however I doubt it. It is very good publicity for a company to say that they give to the poor, when in fact their only motivation is to convey a more positive image and sell more of their products.

  8. There's no way that Coke's intentions are noble here. They would only participate in this if they had something to gain. Altruism does make you money, and thus I don't think Coke has the right intentions here.

  9. I can agree with LindseyBuckingham, it seems the Coke doesnt have the right intentions and doesnt seem to be very noble.
